For a Limited time only ..Now thru September 15th!!
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Welcome Blog...

Here you will be able to get the latest news on what's going on with me, my thoughts on different subjects and sometime a little bit of ranting! I promise to make it interesting!

Also I have added a purchase button for those of you who would like to order my books... At a Special Price just for my friends and readers! So don't miss out!!
I am also working on a few books more than 3 for myself to be released next year, so be on the look out for them... A different twist but interesting and dramatic...also stimulating like I love to do .... haha...

Right now I am working with some new others, producing one book and editing another... Whew can you say busy! But I love every step of it! Also I will be doing some video blogs so some days you may see words and others you will see me, hair all over my head, no makeup but still cute...lmao..

So thank you for coming through and supporting me, I could not do it without you and that is from the heart!! 

Masquerade will be available in November 2011!!
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